Well time to get the bike out and clock up some more miles (But the weather gods had other plans). The proposed script was supposed to be 60 miles through the beautiful country roads of the New Forest National park. Light traffic, the sun on my back, beautiful views of the countryside, ponies, wildife and fresh air. What I actually got was 60 miles of flooded roads, mud, rain, freezing wind (mostly in my face), wet clothes, wet socks, wet feet and a weathered scoul on my face for most of the course.
Lining up at the start. (the clouds are looking angry)

In the early group waiting to get away before the rain. !!
The course was great, but not in these conditions. I almost chickened out and was going to take a short cut back to the car and have done with it, but I told myself the weather may be like this on the day and so its a good test of my will to ride in all conditions. After 4 wonderful rain soaked hours, I managed to get round the course in one piece. Some others were not so lucky as a few of the locals decided to sabotage the course. I am just a rider, I am not going to get into arguments like this. (although you should have seen the speed of the some of the idiots flying round roads with horses on them – I am talking about cars not cyclists – and some idiot throwing tacks on the route, I don’t mind the puncture but some poor New Forest pony is not going to be able to remove a pin in its feet)
Eventually I got back to the car, hid inside with the heater on full blast and turned my bike into a clothes horse to try and dry stuff out before heading home.

The only thing not wet was the inside of the innner tubes.
AND just to prove the weather gods really hate me !!!! My boring old commute ride to work gets the best weather yet – and I get to wear a pair of shorts for the 1st time this year. PROOF BELOW

Yeah it was warm enough.
I blame that Sian Lloyd woman… must have upset her in a previous life 😉