With the lovely Sian Lloyd waving her magic sunshine wand, the opportunity for a long ride presented itself. The idea was to just get out and ride as far as I could before the sun went down. I made my way north into Windsor Park, and did my normal lap (past the castle) and back down to Virgina water. You can tell it was warm by the amount of flesh on show – anyway enough of that but it definitely makes the miles go past a lot quicker 🙂 (good job I had my dark cycling shades on)
I then cut south through the leafy lanes of Longcross – I gave it extra special effort as I flew past the Foxhills Spa / Club (which is where Sir Brad was based during the 2012 Olympics) I then joined the Olympic road race course again and south as far as the top of the 1st climb on the route. A quick stop for some refreshment and to take on some fuel and then I head east and then north back towards Woking. I cut across country to Pirbright and onto Normandy and Ash before heading north back to the local for a well deserved beer.
I was a bit upset I could not get down one of the roads I wanted to … as you can see clearly they don’t want hot guys like me.

Studs on the road
Facts of the ride.
Punctures: 0
Drink Stops: 3 (£1.50 for a lucozade in a local shop !!!!)
Number of Flies eaten: 84 (what is going on with the insect plague)
Sneezing fits: 3 (Pollen has gone mental)
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